2022 Vintage
2022 Vintage
*Average rainfall January to July : 300mm
*Average rainfall April to July : 196mm (during the vine growth period)
*In June :120mm
*In July :10mm
*In August :23mm
*Temperatures in May : up to 28°C
*Temperatures in June : up to 35°C
*Peak July temperature, on 19th : 39°C
*In August, temperatures regularly hit 30°C
*High sunlight in May, June, July and August
*Average rainfall for the year 2022 : less than 600mm.
These statistics may be dull but they highlight reasons for the characteristics of the 2022 vintage wines.
*budburst, early April
*rapid vegetation growth
*flowering ended around 26 May (even earlier than in 2020)
*grapes ripened in heatwave conditions
*grape picking started around 20 August
*owing to exceptional sanitary conditions, harvesting took place over several weeks to ensure grapes picked at the right time for the best standard.
Who would have thought that such extreme meteorological conditions could produce a wine with so much freshness, fruitiness, delicacy and elegance ?
Nobody could have imagined it, but the fact is that in spite of the heatwaves in summer, the lack of water except for some providential rainfall in June in excess of 120mm, the vine proved its ability to resist ; the vine sought what it needed deepdown and together with the showers in August just before the harvest, was able to allow the grapes to ripen with sufficient juice.
The ability of the vine to withstand the climatic conditions of the year can explain the rich quality of the 2022 vintage.
Nadine Gublin
Domaine Jacques Prieur
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