Rencontre avec Chantal Tortochot
Your favourite quality in a woman
Very often straightforwardness and the ability to work for a collective purpose
Your favourite activity
Sharing conviviality moments with friends around the table with good food and good wines. Wine is first and foremost a pleasure and I like to take my time for tasting. Always taste in good company, wine is very often a starter for simple and direct conversations where humility, laughs and the joy of reunion mix together.
Your best wine-related memory
Wine tasting is a source of emotions, wine gives so much various emotions, and recalling just one of them would be too reductive. The best wine in the world is in my opinion the one that you taste with close friends.
Your best wine-related encounter
It is perhaps during one of my first cellar visit in Châteauneuf-du-Pape, at my father’s friend Paul Avril. His humility and passion for wine moved me.
Your funniest anecdote
It is related to a man from Bordeaux who stopped by Gevrey. When a Bordeaux winegrower talks about "chamberter", there is absolutely no reference to the famous Burgundy cru. This is just patois for "ploughing deeply" before planting. In burgundy, the name of this grand cru from Gevrey probably comes from the expression "le champ à Bertin"
Your favourite wine/wine producing area
I have no favourite wine, every wine has its own personality, and you get a different feeling depending on the moment you taste it. I choose a wine according to the personality of the customer or the friend who is visiting us
Your motto or your favourite quote
" Drink always and you shall never die "(Rabelais) " Never noble man does not hate the good wine" (Rabelais). More seriously there is also a quote from Goethe which made me think about organic culture " The hardest thing to see is what is in front of your eyes "
Anything else to say ?
I think that without winegrowers there wouldn’t be any great "terroir". We are here to exploit our land in the best possible way and most importantly in accordance with nature.